During the last 38 years of business experience a countless number of mistakes have been made, of which, many I regret. But the most glaring mistake had been my inability to appreciate the most important people around me. Never before have I heard a statement that is so true and simplistic, yet many would be entrepreneurs seem to take it for granted: “ You will ALWAYS lose what you don’t appreciate”. I was not the Me In team, I was the Me in Me, and did not adequately value the people on my team. As your business expands the people on your team will look up to you, and admire you as long as you appreciate their hard and worthy efforts, and reward them with gratitude and praise for their accomplishments within your organization.

When an entrepreneur exhibits superior leadership skills and discipline their companies will grow exponentially if that’s what they desire. The appreciation of everyone in their life will be a guidepost to future success and create a lifetime of memories. The lonely entrepreneur is the person who appreciates no one, and will sit on the sidelines of life forever lonely. YOU WILL ALWAYS LOSE WHAT YOU DON’T APPRECIATE.