We are an online resource for entrepreneurs. On ME in TEAM you can read helpful articles, ask our experts questions, gain insight on trending topics, get proven strategies for success, read success stories and grow as a leader and a business owner.

This site is for all Entrepreneurs, and we want to hear what made your business so successful, or why did you fail. No matter your age, or years of experience your story is important to us.

Our objective is to create an incredible team of EXPERT coaches to assist new business owners in their pursuit of success. From your memorization of your business experiences we will create a book with many of your stories with the intent of helping other future business leaders be the Me in their TEAM’s.

What Makes A Successful Business?

Will you succeed or fail? Only time will tell.

Most entrepreneurs start with an idea and begin a perilous journey which can yield great rewards or catastrophic tragedy. Your net result will be determined based on the decisions you make and the leader you become. Your business longevity will be measured by your ability to adapt to your environment on a daily basis. Your business growth will be determined by your ability to understand the importance of developing a team, and can your ME lead your team to great success? Are you the ME your business needs? The following are keys to developing a successful business!

You Always Lose What You Don’t Appreciate

It has been proven throughout your life that you will always lose what you do not appreciate. Look back on your life and from a young age you can reflect on the notion of people or possessions in your life that you have lost time and time again because you didn’t appreciate them. Friends, spouse, family members and now employees. You must be mindful and appreciate others for who they are, always.

If It Is To Be – It Is Up To ME!

If your business is to be a success it is up to you, and you alone at first. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and surround yourself, without intimidation, with others who are stronger than you. If it is to be it’s up to ME! Be the best ME in your business, and you will set the course for future success. It will never be easy, but the journey will be satisfying!

You Will Always Get What You Give

A thriving entrepreneur is always sharing, giving, supporting, complimenting and building up their teams. Exhibits of ego, conceit, selfishness and ignorance will not go unnoticed and your employees and team leaders will give back to you what you gave them. Give them the good or you will receive venomous results that will eventually ruin your business. Are you the ME that you want to be? Self realization is the first step to great accomplishments.

The Employee Experience Will Never Exceed The Client Experience

The key to a dynamic and growing business is superior customer service. To provide that great service employees need to constantly in tune with the needs of their clients. In return, the entrepreneur must be vigilant in providing an exceptional employee experience to all their employees, and to exhibit leadership skills that everyone will admire. Employees come first- then watch your business thrive and produce the fruits of your teams hard work.

Tell Us Your Story!

There are thousands of Entrepreneurs and business professionals that have achieved success on a high level. When you look at each of them on an individual basis, you can ask yourself the question “what makes them the person they are today, and what has driven them to their success?

Learning more about these individual successes and failures can help illuminate potential pitfalls and give us insight regarding how to develop a successful company or business. There is NO I in TEAM, but there is a ME. How important is your ME to your team and your future business growth? It is our objective to provide you with the observations which can make you succeed or fail.

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ME in Team Objectives

Understanding success and the reasons for failure.

Most businesses fail within the first 5 years of their existence. There are many reasons for that with the primary issue being lack of capital, but yet even when there is enough money to succeed the failures still occur. Me In Team wants to delve into the reasons for these failures and discuss observations of the characteristics of the winners and the losers.

Answering Your Questions

What is the biggest mistake you have made in your entrepreneurial career?

During the last 38 years of business experience a countless number of mistakes have been made, of which, many I regret. But the most glaring mistake had been my inability to appreciate the most important people around me… READ MORE.

Why did you decide to start your first business?

I never really knew what I wanted to do when I grew up, but there were signs along the way that freedom and the control of my own destiny could never be achieved unless self-employment lingered in the future. READ MORE.

How long would you work with an idea before giving up and moving on to another one?

Ideas are a dime a dozen, but once in awhile you are exposed to some fantastic opportunities, the entrepreneur mindset has to be constantly in tune, and sensitive to new ideas. To determine… READ MORE.

Are there any industries that you think is a great place to start a business?

There is no one industry that I would recommend to start your business. There should be some defining factors associated with your chosen Entrepreneurial adventure. These questions you should ask yourself… READ MORE.

Say my business is going pretty well and I think I need to hire. Who should I hire first?

Hiring employees has been an age-old problem to determine when they are needed. There are a number of reasons for hiring employees: increase sales, better customer service, business owner time off, expanding your service area and replacing existing employees…READ MORE.

What is the secret to selling?

The best entrepreneurs are salesmen at heart, and have honed their craft over many years to accomplish the greatness they have achieved. The secret of selling is that… READ MORE.

Our Blog

Our goal at Me in Team is to build a community where entrepreneurs have access to the knowledge, customers insights, and tips they need to be successful.


We walk down the halls of our lives daily, and routinely come in contact with hundreds of people. Some we know, but most we don’t. Some are potential clients/customers, and many are not. Some of those people we have personal relationships with, and some we don’t. The...

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Millennials in the workplace are offering up several challenges that contradict the traditional business models of older generations. The Millennial mindset values benefits, growth opportunities and a great working environment. Accordingly, business owners need to...

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Business Success Master Chef:

Peter X. Kelly is a self-taught chef. He didn’t go to culinary school, but his four restaurants and catering business bring in around $10 million in sales a year. He beat Bobby Flay in 2006 and rose to become an Iron Chef (no small feat, as any Food Network fans can...

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No Mountain Is Too High To Climb

The only boundaries we have are the ones we can’t see.